Gigs in the time of Covid-19

Live jazz trio at the Maplewood library in NJ.

Live jazz trio at the Maplewood library in NJ.

Well here we are folks, 5 months into the pandemic and we’re still muddling through. It’s been hard on the country and especially New Yorkers who’ve seen their city turned into something of a ghost town. But we are resilient people and we find a way to go forward. Restaurants have taken over parking lots for outdoor seating and people have adapted to wearing masks and taking activities outside.

In the last few weeks I’ve started to see an uptick in folks looking to have live music. Not that much of an uptick but we’re starting from zero here! Hearing some live music is healing and a welcome way to find a sense of normalcy. In the last 5 months we’ve done 2 so far as a trio (all in the last couple of weeks). First was on the lawn of the library in Maplewood, NJ, then we played on the rooftop of the Eugene in the Hudson Yards area of NYC. Both concerts were socially distanced and outdoors. Check out the amazing views from the 54th floor!

We are ready to do more of these concerts so please let me know if you have an occasion for a band. The trio or quartet are perfect for smaller settings like a backyard. Rest assured we observe all best practices regarding masks and social distancing. Let’s get through this together!